
DocVisa Terms & Conditions



Article 1. Definitions

1.1. The following applies in these General Conditions:

1.1.1. DOCVISA: commercial name of PaySol srl., with registered office at Via Vincenzo Monti, 8, 20123 Milan - Italy, registration number in the Milan Chamber of Commerce MI-2578101, VAT number IT11079750961.

1.1.2. Website: the docvisa.com website.

1.1.3. Travel Authorization: a (digital) document, such as an electronic visa, an ETA or an ESTA, which allows one or more people to enter a country.

1.1.4. Public Administration: the official authority authorized to issue Travel Authorizations, such as a consulate, an embassy or an Immigration Department.

1.1.5. Customer: any natural or legal person who uses the Website and/or places an order with docvisa.com.

1.1.6. Traveler: any person for whom the Customer intends to obtain a Travel Authorization from the Public Administration through the placing of an Order.

1.1.7. Order: the order given by the Customer to docvisa.com for the purpose of providing a Service on Request.

1.1.8. Service on Request: the service provided by docvisa.com to the Customer, which involves the submission by docvisa.com, as service provider and intermediary, of a Travel Authorization request to the Public Administration, on behalf of all Travellers, using a Request Form or other means.

1.1.9. Request Form: form on the Website with which the Customer places an Order.

1.1.10. Order Confirmation: e-mail sent by docvisa.com to the Customer, with which docvisa.com confirms that the entire payment relating to the Order, as well as all the data and documents necessary for docvisa.com to perform the Service on Request, have been successfully received by docvisa.com.

1.1.11. Delivery Times: the period between the moment in which the Customer receives the Order Confirmation and the moment in which the Public Administration grants or denies the Travel Authorization.


Article 2. Applicability

2.1. These General Conditions concern all Orders between the Customer and docvisa.com, and apply to all (other) legal acts and acts between docvisa.com and the Customer, even in cases where these (legal) acts do not lead to a Order or are not related to an Order.

2.2. Exceptional provisions and any general or purchase conditions of the Customer are valid only if and to the extent that they have been explicitly accepted in writing by docvisa.com.

2.3. If derogating provisions have been agreed upon for certain topics regulated in these General Conditions of docvisa.com, these docvisa.com remain in force for the rest.

2.4. If one or more provisions of these docvisa.com General Conditions are void or cancelled, the other provisions will remain applicable;

2.5. These General Conditions and all Services on Request are governed by Italian law, unless the legal system of the country of residence of the Customer qualified as a consumer does not provide for the application of other laws on the merits.

2.6. Any disputes will be dealt with in the court of the judicial district of Milan in Italy, unless the legal system of the country of residence of the Customer qualified as a consumer prescribes another competent court.

2.7. The European Commission has created an Internet platform for online dispute resolution. The platform serves as a contact point for the out-of-court resolution of disputes relating to contractual obligations arising from online purchase contracts and service supply contracts. Further information is available here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage docvisa.com is neither obliged nor willing to participate in resolution proceedings disputes before a consumer dispute resolution agency.


Article 3. General

3.1. docvisa.com reserves the right to make typing and spelling errors.

3.2. Written correspondence can take place by letter, as well as by email.

3.3. docvisa.com is in no way associated with any public administration body.

Article 4. Services on Request - General

4.1. By clicking on the 'Confirm Request' button at the bottom of the Request Form:

4.1.1. The Customer places an Order and therefore assumes the obligation to purchase and pay,

4.1.2. The Customer declares to have received express authorization from the Travelers to order a Service on Request from docvisa.com, which concerns each of them as a 'Traveller' and the Customer can provide proof of this as soon as docvisa.com requests it request.

4.1.3. The Customer declares that all Travelers have expressly confirmed that they have read, or witnessed the reading of, all the questions in the Request Form that concern them, as well as the clarifications relating to the questions, as well as all the declarations to which they refer , including the provisions "General conditions" and "Privacy consent required (GDPR)", as well as the answers provided to all these questions, that you have understood all these questions and have provided a complete and truthful answer to each of them,

4.1 .4. The Customer declares that he himself, as well as all Travelers, have expressly confirmed that they will exempt docvisa.com from any requests for compensation, sanctions and criminal actions by the authorities, including the Public Administration, if it appears that the Customer and/or the Travelers have knowingly or unknowingly provided incorrect, incomplete or fraudulent data and/or documents to docvisa.com and/or the Public Administration.

4.1.5. The Customer declares that all Travelers have expressly confirmed that they understand and accept that the Travel Authorizations previously requested and/or issued for the same destination may become invalid following the overwriting of the new application undertaken via the Request Form.

4.1.6. The Customer understands and accepts that, once the payment associated with the Order has been made, it is not possible to make further changes to the data provided by the Customer in the Request Form, unless docvisa.com expressly communicates this at a later time.

4.2. An Order can only be considered accepted after the Customer has received an Order Confirmation.

4.3. Delivery times communicated via the Website or other means are always indicative, are always average, are absolutely not maximum and are absolutely not guaranteed, unless explicitly indicated otherwise. docvisa.com cannot in any way influence the speed with which the Public Administration processes the Travel Authorization request. It may happen that the Public Administration takes much longer to approve the Travel Authorization request compared to the average times needed by the Public Administration, which is why the Average Delivery Times can also be much longer than the Delivery Times indicated by docvisa.com through the Website or any other means. This for example, but not exclusively, if the Public Administration carries out an in-depth sample check, or if at any time the Public Administration requests the provision of additional or correct documents and/or data (see also paragraph 4.4) or in any case requests the collaboration of Travelers (see also paragraph 4.5).

4.4. If the Public Administration requests at any time the provision of additional or correct data and/or documents by Travellers, the Customer must ensure that these are provided as soon as possible in accordance with the instructions of the Public Administration and/or docvisa.com , after the Customer and/or Travelers have been informed by the Public Administration and/or by docvisa.com. The period between the moment in which the Public Administration makes it known in any way that additional or correct data and/or documents are necessary and the moment in which these are delivered to the Public Administration, either by the Customer or by docvisa.com, does not is included in the Average Delivery Times indicated by docvisa.com on the Website or otherwise, unless otherwise explicitly communicated.

4.5. If the Public Administration requests the collaboration of the Travelers at any time, including, but not limited to, to go to the Public Administration Offices for an identity verification, the collection of biometric data and/or for further explanations, the Travelers must deal with it independently. In this case docvisa.com will not act as an intermediary; communication will therefore take place directly between Travelers and the Public Administration and/or between the Customer and the Public Administration. The period between the moment in which the Public Administration makes the request known and the moment in which the Travelers have fully satisfied the request is not included in the Average Delivery Times indicated by docvisa.com via the Website or otherwise, unless otherwise explicitly communicated.


Article 5. Payments

5.1. The prices indicated on the Website include VAT.

5.2. The Client is obliged to reimburse docvisa.com all extrajudicial and judicial costs, including reasonable costs for legal assistance in proceedings or outside of them, if the Client has not paid the amount due even after at least three payment reminders.

5.3. The Customer does not have the right to offset his debt with a credit from docvisa.com, unless this is granted on the basis of a final judicial or arbitration ruling.

5.4. The Customer has no right to suspend its obligations unless it submits the dispute to the competent court within thirty days of the expiry of the obligations in question.

5.5. If the Public Administration implements a price increase of the Travel Authorization between the moment in which the Customer places an Order and the moment in which docvisa.com has provided the Service on Request in full, docvisa.com will have the right to charge this price increase to the Customer, without the Customer having the right to cancel the Order in this case. 


Article 6. Liability and exemption from liability

6.1. The decision taken by the Public Administration to grant or not a requested Travel Authorization depends on circumstances beyond the control of docvisa.com. docvisa.com cannot therefore guarantee that the activities that fall within the scope of application of the Service on Request will lead with certainty to the issuing of a Travel Authorization by the Public Administration.

6.2. Not even where the Public Administration has granted a Travel Authorization to the Traveler docvisa.com can expressly guarantee that the Traveler will actually be able to enter the country for which the Travel Authorization was issued and stay there for the entire duration of the presumable period in based on information from docvisa.com and/or the Public Administration. Many international transport companies, as well as authorities present in or from the country to which the Traveler is going, have the right to deny entry to Travelers and/or expel them without giving reasons. This is for example, but not limited to, if it is suspected that the Traveler represents a risk to security, law enforcement or public order, and/or if it is ascertained at any time that the Customer and/or the Traveler have knowingly or unknowingly provided incorrect, incomplete and/or fraudulent data and/or documents to docvisa.com, the Public Administration and other authorities.

6.3 If docvisa.com has provided a Service on Request which has not led, within or beyond the Average Delivery Times indicated by docvisa.com on the Website or otherwise, to the granting of a Travel Authorization valid for each Traveler, docvisa.com will have fulfilled its obligations with the greatest possible diligence. This concerns, but is not limited to, the following situations:

6.3.1. The Customer has acted in contrast with the art. 4 of these General Conditions.

6.3.2 The Public Administration rejects the request for a Travel Authorization, regardless of whether the reason is disclosed by it and regardless of the nature of the reason.

6.3.3. The Public Administration issues an invalid Travel Authorization, knowingly or unknowingly, due to incorrect, incomplete or late information and/or documents provided by the Customer, via the Application Form or other means.

6.3.4. The Public Administration needs more time than usual to evaluate the Travel Authorization request. For example, but not exclusively, in the event that the Public Administration carries out an in-depth sample check, in the event that the Public Administration requests, at any time, additional information and/or documents from Travelers and/or in the event that the Public Administration requires Travellers, at any time, to present themselves at an office for identity verification, to collect biometric data and/or to provide further explanations.

6.3.5. docvisa.com did not notice, or did not notice in time, that the Customer did not provide all the data and/or documents necessary for the execution of the Service on Request completely, correctly and in accordance with docvisa's instructions. com and/or the Public Administration. docvisa.com has detected many compilation and delivery errors in the past and has corrected them in good time, but cannot absolutely guarantee that the Customer's compilation and delivery errors will always be detected (in good time), even if docvisa.com has confirmed to the Client and/or Travelers via email or otherwise that all necessary data and/or documents have been received correctly.

6.4. Exclusively in the event that the Public Administration denies a Travel Authorization despite docvisa.com having fully performed the Service upon Request, thus fulfilling its obligations with the greatest possible diligence, a refund will be made as a courtesy, limited to the amount paid by the Customer to docvisa.com and relating to the Traveler or Travelers for whom the Travel Authorization request has been rejected. This refund will only take place if the Traveler or Travelers in question have never received a Travel Authorization refusal from the same Public Administration authority previously.

6.5. docvisa.com will be liable for any direct or indirect damages suffered by the Customer, the Traveler (or Travellers) and/or third parties, including consequential damages (such as loss of turnover or profit, costs of (new) Authorizations travel, airline ticket costs, accommodation costs, etc.), intangible damages, commercial losses or any other damage arising from the use of the Website and/or an On-Demand Service, including in the situations described in sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.3.1, 6.3.2, 6.3.3, 6.3.3, 6.3.4 and 6.3.5, unless such damage is caused by malice or intentional recklessness on the part of docvisa.com.

6.6. If docvisa.com is nevertheless responsible for the damages that have occurred, such liability will in any case be limited to the amount invoiced and paid by the Customer to docvisa.com for the provision of the Services on Request in the year in which the event causing the damage occurs it is verified.

6.7. If docvisa.com finds that the Customer has submitted a fraudulent Order, including identity fraud or the intentional use of incorrect or incomplete data and/or documents, docvisa.com must report it to the competent authorities, including the relevant Public Administration.

6.8. If the Customer finds that docvisa.com has failed to perform the Service on Request, he must immediately notify docvisa.com, at the latest within 30 days of the finding, providing the reasons in writing. If necessary, the Customer will allow docvisa.com a reasonable period of time to eliminate the defect, where possible.

6.9. docvisa.com is committed to ensuring the completeness, reliability and currency of the information provided to the Customer via the Website, e-mail and otherwise. However, it remains possible that inaccuracies and incompleteness may occur. docvisa.com does not guarantee that the information provided is correct, complete, current and/or suitable for a particular purpose. docvisa.com therefore assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of the information provided.

6.10. The information on docvisa.com from which it is deduced that a Traveler is entitled to a Travel Authorization will remain exclusively indicative, until the Traveler has actually obtained the relevant Authorization.

6.11. docvisa.com will guarantee maximum efforts, on its Website and in other digital communication channels, to protect users from viruses, hackers, phishing, spam, etc. Furthermore, docvisa.com will adopt adequate security measures to protect the Website from risks of unauthorized access or alteration, destruction or loss of data entered by the Customer through the Website, but docvisa.com cannot provide guarantees in this regard. docvisa.com cannot therefore be held responsible for this, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct on the part of docvisa.com.

6.12. The Customer will make every effort to ensure the security of its part of communication to and from the Website, including the hardware, software and internet connection used to communicate with docvisa.com.

6.13. docvisa.com will treat the (personal) data and documents provided by the Customer as completely confidential and will not provide them to third parties, such as commercial entities, beyond what is necessary for the performance of its Service on Request, unless the Customer you have expressly consented in advance to the use of your data for a different (commercial) purpose.

6.14. docvisa.com has the right to retain the data and documents of the Customer and Traveler(s) for a short period of time to the extent that this is necessary for the performance of the Service on Request and/or as evidence of performance activities.

6.15. docvisa.com acts in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable laws and regulations relating to personal data protection with regard to the processing and storage of the data and documents provided.

6.16. The website contains outbound links to third-party websites that are not operated by docvisa.com. docvisa.com cannot exercise any permanent control over third party websites, nor accept any responsibility for their content. docvisa.com cannot therefore be held responsible for these contents.

6.17. When entering or leaving a country, in addition to proof of an issued Travel Authorization, Travelers may be asked for other documents, including, but not limited to, proof of health insurance, a civil liability insurance, travel insurance, vaccinations, medicines and/or authorization forms with which the person or persons exercising parental authority declare that they consent to the travel of a minor. Travelers are responsible for informing themselves about the necessary documents and bear the costs of obtaining such documents. Travelers are also always personally responsible for the costs of health services such as hospital admissions, medical visits and ambulance transport during their stay in the country for which they have requested the Travel Authorization with the help of an On-Request Service .


Article 7. Intellectual property rights

7.1. 7.1. The Customer undertakes not to infringe (or allow or permit any third party to infringe) any intellectual property rights of docvisa.com in relation to the contents of the Websites, including text, images and software, for example by copying, modifying or reproducing them.


Article 8. Termination of the Contract

8.1. If the Customer fails to fulfill correctly, or within a pre-established deadline, or in any case in a timely manner, any obligation arising from any Order and/or Service on Request, the Customer will be in default and docvisa.com will have the right to dissolve, in whole or in part party, the Order and/or the Service on Request and the directly connected Orders and/or Services on Request, without the need for notice or judicial intervention; all this without prejudice to the other rights of docvisa.com deriving from any Order and/or Service at the Customer's Request and without docvisa.com being required to pay any compensation.

8.1.1. If the Customer does not provide in accordance with the requirements all the data and/or documents that docvisa.com needs for the execution of the Service on Request within one month of the first request from docvisa.com, the Service on Request will be cancelled. This means that at that moment docvisa.com deletes all data and/or documents already provided by the Customer. If docvisa.com has already paid the costs relating to the Service on Request in question to any Public Administration, docvisa.com will have fulfilled its obligations with the greatest possible diligence and the Customer will not be entitled to any form of reimbursement of the costs paid to docvisa .com in relation to the On-Demand Service in question.


Article 9. Force majeure

9.1. In case of force majeure, docvisa.com will be authorized to suspend the execution of the Service upon Request without judicial intervention, without docvisa.com being required to pay any compensation.

9.2. Force majeure means any circumstance under which the Customer cannot reasonably request (further) performance of the Service on Request and/or the Order, including, but not limited to, failure to fulfill its obligations by part of the suppliers of docvisa.com due to fires, government measures, floods, strikes, work stoppages, lockouts, unfavorable weather conditions, temporary unavailability or insufficient availability of hardware, software and/or internet or other telecommunications connections necessary for the execution of the Service on Request, as well as any other situation over which docvisa.com cannot exercise (decisive) control, both towards docvisa.com and towards third parties or the Public Administration involved in the Service on Request.


Article 10. Right of withdrawal and cancellation policy

10.1 If the Customer is a consumer and lives within the European Union, he has a right of withdrawal provided by law when making a remote purchase, of which docvisa.com informs him. In the case of a service supply contract, such as the one referring to the Service on Request, the right of withdrawal expires when the service has been provided in full, and when the execution of the service begins, as soon as the Customer has expressly given his consent, confirming that he understands and accepts, at the same time, that the Customer's right of withdrawal ceases after the complete execution of the service. In the Request Form the Customer is expressly asked if he wishes docvisa.com to begin performing the Service on Request during the withdrawal period, and that the Customer waives the right of withdrawal as soon as docvisa.com submits the request for Authorization of Trip to the Public Administration, having therefore provided the Service on Request in full. Further exceptions to the right of withdrawal are regulated in point 10.2. In point 10.3 there is a withdrawal form.


Cancellation of the Order

You have the right to withdraw from your Order without giving reasons within fourteen days, calculated from the date of signing the contract, unless the Service on Request has already been provided in full and you have expressly declared, in the Request Form, to consent to docvisa.com carrying out the Service on Request during the withdrawal period, therefore waiving your right of withdrawal as soon as the Service on Request has been fully provided. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must communicate

Paysol srl

Via Vincenzo Monti, 8

20123 Milan


Address for correspondence:


Via Vincenzo Monti, 8

20123 Milan


EU Telephone: +39 02 94757056

USA telephone: +1 (786) 4542382

E-mail: info@docvisa.com

your wish to withdraw from your Order by explicit declaration (by e-mail or post) or by calling the EU number +39 02 94757056, USA + 1 (786) 4542382 . To this end, you can use the track referred to in point 10.3, but it is not mandatory. To comply with the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient to send the notification of exercise of the right of withdrawal before the end of the withdrawal period.


Consequences of withdrawal from the Order

In case of withdrawal from the Order docvisa.com will refund the user all payments received, including shipping costs (with the exception of any additional costs that may arise from choosing a type of delivery different from the one cheapest standard offered by docvisa.com), immediately and at the latest within fourteen days of receiving the notification of cancellation of the Order. For this refund, the means of payment also used for the original transaction will be used, unless otherwise explicitly agreed with you; under no circumstances will this refund be charged to you.

10.2 If you have agreed for the Service on Request to be performed before the expiry of the withdrawal period, you will pay docvisa.com a reasonable amount equal to the part of the services already provided at the time of sending the letter of withdrawal from this contract to docvisa.com , compared to the total amount of services provided in the contract.

10.3 docvisa.com provides a withdrawal form from the Order, in compliance with the legal provisions, as follows


Order withdrawal form

If you wish to withdraw your Order, you can use the following form. Fill in the data between the [square brackets], sign the letter and forward it by post to Paysol srl (docvisa.com), Via Vincenzo Monti, 8 20123 Milan (Italy) or by e-mail to info@docvisa.com

With the present, on [insert current date], I express my desire to withdraw from my Order. My order number is [insert the order number in the corresponding entry on the account statement, as well as in the Order Confirmation]. I placed this Order on [insert the date on which the payment associated with this Order to docvisa.com was made. My full name is [insert full name here] and my address is [insert address details here, as stated in the Application Form].

Frequently Asked Questions

All the answers you need

You need to type in the search bar the country of the passport you have and the destination you wish to visit. You will then have the option of viewing all available electronic visas, which may vary depending on the purpose of travel, period of stay and validity.

Filling out the online visa form of your interest. You can make the application for yourself, another person, or an entire travel group. Once you have finished filling out the form, you will have to pay the government license fee and fees for the application processing service. Application processing times tend to vary depending on the type of service you choose; in fact, urgent requests can be processed within a few hours.

Your visa will be sent by email and SMS. Furthermore, if you have registered on our website you will also receive the visa you requested by e-mail and SMS, but you can also access your Reserved Area and find your visa with all the essential information. The system thus records all the data provided with the aim of speeding up the time for requesting a new visa in the future.

-We accept credit and debit card payments from all payment circuits: Visa, Mastercard, American Express and China UnionPay - payment wallets such as Apple Pay and Google Pay - direct payments with Blik, Bancontact, EPS, Giropay, iDEAL, Przelewy24 , Sofort.

The data you provide us is collected by our site, verified by our operators and finally transmitted to the Department of Homeland Security through a Secure Sockets Layer (SLL) system for data encryption and authentication. While the data of debit and credit cards are not stored in any way as they are processed exclusively by the payment circuits through the highest security systems (PCI-DSS).

The receipt/invoice will be sent by email to the address provided during payment.

The applicant may choose to start processing his application after 3 hours or after 24 hours. The two options have different costs.

An electronic visa is the act by which a state grants a foreign individual permission to enter its territory for a certain period of time and for certain purposes. A visa on arrival is a registration that can be made online prior to arrival or directly upon arrival at the airport at the customs office of the country to which one is traveling. It is not officially classified as a visa and is generally required of those who do not require an entry visa.

Absolutely yes, from recent analysis, it has emerged that about 25% of travelers make mistakes and compromise the time required to obtain their travel authorisation. DocVisa is the perfect solution to solve this type of problem, in fact, thanks to its team of expert immigration consultants that constantly informs and assists the traveler, there are no errors, thus allowing to issue the required authorization in a short time and in total safety.

The government issuance fee is a mandatory fee to be paid for the visa application while the cost of the service is the payment to be made for the processing of a request by DocVisa which takes charge of the application by verifying the applicant's data, processing the file and constantly assisting the traveler in any problem that arises.

The solution is to ask for a real visa to be requested directly at the relevant embassy.